If you are a fan of QLTG, we would be most grateful for your support by becoming a financial member.
To join simply download the form in the link below, fill it in and submit along with your payment. We will contact you to approve your application.
Click here to sign up!
- Cast: Many performers, mixed ages and talents. Watch for auditions.
- Backstage: Always welcome. Must be quick-witted and nimble, like a cat.
- Set Construction: Help wanted. Variety of skilled and unskilled work.
- Costumes: Sourcing, sewing, altering, and keeping our storage organised.
- Gopher: Yes please. Collect X, carry Y, switch Z on/off.
- Administration: Always welcome. Share the load and boost your skills.
- Publicity: Posters, flyers, promotional visits, advertising.
- Fundraising: Extra income buys gear to improve our productions.
- Mix and Match: Are you multi-talented? Maybe blend a few of these tasks.
- Don't have time? Your financial contribution would be a great help.
Membership Fees
Fees $30 adult, or $15 associate member and under 16. Expires on 31 December.
Written membership applications are also accepted.
Download the QLTG membership application/renewal form and save it to your computer.
This must be printed, filled and signed, then returned with your payment.
See instructions on the form.